Rev. Valerie's Reveries

This blog contains personal reflections from Unitarian Universalist minister Valerie Mapstone Ackerman.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Reveries blog parameters changed

dear reveries reader-

As I am new to blogging I still don't know the finer points of set-up. I THINK I have changed the parameters so that you do not need to become a member of blogger to make comments about my posted writing.
I appreciate knowing your responses which unfailingly expand my view and challenge me. Type away!



  • At July 21, 2006 10:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    If you are willing to be anonymous (sigining your name in your post if you like,) you don't have to be signed in to blogger.

  • At July 21, 2006 11:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I previously had it set up so that no anonymous comments could be posted, I think.


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